The Natatorium

An emporium of oddities from around the world, complete with somewhat informative plaques that almost never match the item they are meant to be describing.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

From the Springfield News-Leader:

Local Girl Found Dead, Heart Replaced with Black Dust

Natalie James, 18, was found dead in her home at approximately 5:10 pm Tuesday afternoon when her mother returned home from work. She was found lying on the floor in a fetal position near the kitchen counter, clutching a piece of paper in one hand and a letter opener in the other. Authorities have confiscated the paper, but in a press release this afternoon it was revealed that the paper was in fact a letter from Drury college, informing Ms. James that she did not recieve the Trustee or Presidential scholarship, an award she had been working for since the age of 14. Authorities also stated that while an autopsy has been completed, the cause of death is still unclear. In the medical examiner's statement, it was discovered that Ms. James' heart was actually missing from her chest cavity at the time of death, as no external injuries of any kind existed at the scene. An unexplained smattering of unidentified black dust was found in the missing heart's place.