The Natatorium

An emporium of oddities from around the world, complete with somewhat informative plaques that almost never match the item they are meant to be describing.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

The poetry slam was tonight, and there ended up being about 20 people filter in and out over the course of about and hour and a half. There was some good reading, I can declare it a success, though of course not as successful as the last one.

As promised (threatened) I hereby declare Rachel, Kristin, Charlee, Alison, and Laura to all be poopy heads. I would call Heather a poopy head, but she doesn't have her own blog, so I'll just tell her in person. ;) So yeah. Poopy heads. The lot of you.

Sam saw me at the mall yesterday and scared the living crap out of me. I was standing in line at Old Navy with my mom (not by choice necessarily) and I hear a male voice behind me say "Hello". I said hello back without looking, expecting it to be someone from school (actually I think I've just been desensitized to saying hello, since there are *SO* many people at school to acknowledge everyday) but when I turned around I saw Sam standing there. For some reason it just really caught me off guard, and I freaked a little for a few minutes. I just really didn't expect to see him there. At the mall. I really tend to see Sam around town more than just about anyone else, except maybe Janae. It's weird. I never just see Hannah by accident, but the people who I don't hang out with much I end up running into. Maybe that's just life's way of balancing things out.

I read a poem tonight that I wrote in about 10 minutes, about AIDS in Africa. I'm sure I'll post it sometime soon, but now I have to go study Calculus for my quiz tomorrow. Yay.

Peace out.