The Natatorium

An emporium of oddities from around the world, complete with somewhat informative plaques that almost never match the item they are meant to be describing.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Miss you, miss you.....

Where are you? And I'm so sorry.....

Yeah, it's Blink 182, but it's how I feel right now. I started my new job last night. Did I mention it was the grand opening, and as such, everything was free? Yeah. That means everyone ordered whatever they wanted and then walked off. The cook is mean, but all of my other colleagues are quite nice indeed. I think the job will be alright, but last night was crazy. I worked a seven hour shift, practically running the whole time, and didn't get to sit down once. Not once. The closest I came was when we were closing, and I crouched on the floor a bit, which caused so much pain in my knees that I decided not to do that much anymore. Phew.

Also, there's The Bridge. In a moment of desperation at midnight Tuesday night (bridge due: 14.6 hours), I glued cross bracing in the exact center of my bridge, thinking, "Oh, this is a good place. The very center, where the weight will be. That will be strong." Not realizing, of course, that, hey, THAT'S WHERE THE WEIGHT WILL BE. I had just glued cross bracing right where the bolt for the loading block is supposed to go.


I realized this when I woke up 7 hours later.

I had no time during my other classes, so when fourth hour came (bridge due: 85 minutes) I frantically ripped out the perfected centered cross bracing and proceeded to frantically assemble another cross bracing piece so I could have two, once on each side of the center. I was razoring, super gluing, and pressing as fast as I could. I was going to ask to leave early since I had to be at my new job at 3:00, which is ten minutes after school gets out, which would be impossible unless I left class ten minutes early, but well, this bridge is basically my whole physics grade. Did I mention I was doing all this with numerous razor cuts on my hand, which had conveniently enough been filled with Super Glue (I'm sure that's quite hazardous, btw. The stuff starts out liquid, but quicly hardens into a bonding solid. As such, I imagine that the glue was seeping into my bloodstream in liquid form, then hardening inside my veins. It's a wonder I didn't drop dead of a coronary right there, not just from the glue but the pressure as well.)?

I finally get my bridge together (bridge due: 5 minutes) I need to get out of there, to get to my job. With the glue still wet, I take it to Templemeyer for approval, I'm bouncing on my heels, and guess what he says....

"It's about a half a milimeter too narrow."


(this is another point at which I should have died instantly)

Being a half milimeter too narrow, it will necessarily be disqualified from competition. My only option is to glue two extra sticks on each side to add width, which will also add unnecessary weight that will decrease my efficiency, and may get my disqualified for having an 'outrigger'. At this point I cease to care. I glue on the stupid sticks in five minutes, hand it in and leave. I arrive at work five minutes late and work a seven hour shift.

Now we return to start. Miss you, miss you....

After all that insane work and stress yesterday, and my almost equally busy day today, I still somehow found time to be attracted to and/or become melancholy about the former object of my dysfunction, which I guess removes the indicator "former" from his title.
