The Natatorium

An emporium of oddities from around the world, complete with somewhat informative plaques that almost never match the item they are meant to be describing.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Loose Lips Sink Ships

Last night at work while we were all straightening the store back up, the gossip started to flow freely. I really wish people wouldn't be so indiscreet. I was in another part of the store from where everyone else was, so I could only hear snippets and phrases here and there. That's right, I admit it, I started to work a little more quietly in order to hear more of what was being said, but in hindsight I wish I hadn't. There are just some things you don't want to know about people, and now I just know some rather disturbing things but not who they're about. Moral of the story: gossip=bad, and I don't want to know the whole story *or* just part of it.

I got an idea for a story about Hades and Persephone. If I ever write it I may put it up on fiction press, so you can all hold your breath.

That wasn't very exciting, but niether is my Spring Break, so that's all you're going to get. Peace out.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Yay for Validation

Thing that makes me feel special #1: I've been resisting the urge to tell everyone who buys a copy of 417 Magazine that *I* *am* *in* *it*!!! Page 115!!

Thing that makes me feel special #2: I got a *raise*!

Thing that makes me feel special #3: The cool kids (read: the geekiest people at my work) invited me to their *party*! (nevermind I can't go b/c I have to work on The Mirror tonight)

Thing that makes me feel special #4: The director of couseling *mailed* me a thank-you card for writing my article on eating disorders

Thing that makes me feel special #5: I had *two* paychecks from The Mirror waiting for me in the Business office, instead of just *one* like I thought

Thing that makes me feel special #6: I got my tax refund!

I hope that all sounded appropriately tweeny.

Yes, everything seems to be coming up roses, except for the fact that I've had a *really* *annoying* cold/allergies/i don't know what for about a week.

No, I'm not going to write anything remotely interesting/intelligent today. You may as well give up now.

Oh, except that Hannah refuses to follow my *very* sound advice regarding her relationship (or lack thereof) with Hot Coffeehouse Employee. Any further interaction with him can only lead to pain, heartache, and possibly scary carnival death, but she insists on thrusting the rusty spoon a little deeper into her own chest. Oh, that reminds me, Hannah, the International Society of Really Sick Masochists called--they think you're awesome.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Shock and Awe

This is probably old news to everyone but me, but today I was driving along, minding my own business, listening to the radio, when I hear the DJ introduce a song as being by *Good* *Charlotte*. I expect to hear pop-punk guitars and whiny screaming filling my car immediately afterward, but to my utter shock and distaste, I hear a synthesized dance beat, decrotive pop ornamentation in the background, and then whiny screaming filling my car.

When did Good Charlotte turn dance/pop? They sound vaguely Maroon 5-ish... but I like Maroon 5, and this is just disturbing. I'm not saying I was a huge fan before, or that I had some massive ammount of respect for them, but I really thought they were at least sort of punk... why, why WHY would they sell out like this??? Oh wait... it's called selling out because there's money involved....

I'm still completely aghast.